Do you know when you need help? Can you feel when you're drowning and recognize the fact that you alone can no longer pull yourself up and out? While the thought of actually seeking out help may seem a bit humiliating at first, I believe that eventually you work past that and actually begin to see differences.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
It's gonna be alright
Posted by Unknown at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Little Girl
My daughter is one of the most amazing people I know. I think I say it often, but I really believe it's true. She is strong mentally and physically and for that I think she's amazing!
Posted by Unknown at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Get Back Up
I gotta admit, my daughter is one of the most amazing people I know. She is the type of kid that decides what she wants, sets her goals and then goes after it. She never ceases to amaze me. She had a big gymnastics meet this past weekend and on her first event (bars) she had a fall. What a way to start out the meet. She could have decided that this fall was going to set the tone for her meet and let the rest of it go down hill, but instead she chose to continue to press on and she ended up taking second place overall, only missing the first place title by less than .50 of a point.
Posted by Unknown at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Taking Inventory
October has arrived and we're now very much into our gymnastics season. Not quite to the halfway point, but not at the very beginning either. My world is spinning about 75 mph and I'm lucky if I get a moment to go to the bathroom these days. I really like the girls I'm coaching at our gym and I'm loving just about every minute of it. I'm there every day of the week but Mondays and when I'm not there I'm worried that I'm missing out on the happenings. So much of my life is consumed with gymnastics, but I'm thankful that I have a daughter for a gymnast so that I'm in the gym just about the same hours that she's working out.
Posted by Unknown at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
The End
I've allowed so much of what I do to define who I am as a person, when that necessarily isn't the case. What I do simply is, what I do. Who I am is my character, personality and being. So if what I do has defined me for so long - what happens when I no longer am "doing" that something?
Posted by Unknown at 6:25 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Fighter
I'm a fighter. Yes, I am. BUT I'm not the type that's going to start a brawl in a bar because someone spilled beer on my new cute pair of shoes. Nope, not that kind of a fighter.
Posted by Unknown at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
Here it is - almost time for our gymnastics season to begin and I can't stress more to my little gymnasts that remaining focused is the key.
Posted by Unknown at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Cost of Negative Self-Talk
I so desperately wanted to blog in March. I wish I was more faithful at encouraging and motivating my online and offline friends that are in my life. I've been blessed to come across so many people that in return I too would like to bless others.
March has been a crazy month, but a great one none the less! I normally celebrate birthday week the week of March 5th, but birthday week turned into birthday month this year. (Alas, I need a whole month to celebrate as I have now hit my late 30's.) There are no complaints on my part.
One thing has come to mind this month and that is how frequently I find myself and others using negative self-talk. For those that don't - yay, you are a step ahead of me. For those of you that tend to be a little bit more like me - we need to STOP!
I'm over it.
Have you come to a point in your life where you don't even realize that you're doing it? I usually realize it, after it's already come out of my mouth. Argh! So where does all this negative self-talk come from? From you head of course! You think this kind of stuff. Whether those thoughts in your head are wrong or right, you need to put a filter on it.
As I watch those around me I begin to see a pattern... the ones that continually talk negative about themselves and/or others usually play out as the victim or just seem to be really unhappy with life. Is that really the kind of person that you want to be? I doubt it.
None of us are victims, indefinitely. Yes, it's true - bad things might have happened to you at one time or another, but we must all rise above that. Each moment and opportunity in our lives lead us to another and we are the only ones that can determine our destiny.
It all starts with what's inside of ourselves. You can control the thoughts that are in your head. How badly you want to change is a can be controlled by your heart. Think positively about yourself and about others and it will come across loud and clear in your actions.
Respect yourself enough to love yourself. Love yourself enough to not tear yourself down with negative talk and words. When you begin to love and respect yourself you will find that respecting and loving others comes much easier. It's a never-ending cycle. Perhaps now is the time to fix the cycle if it's broken? You are amazing - allow others to experience just how amazing you truly are!
Be blessed.
Posted by Unknown at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
The Gift Of Others
When people ask me how I've got over 900 friends on Facebook, the next question they usually ask is if I actually know that many people. Truth be told - I know just about all but 40 or so. I've been blessed to have come across so many people in my lifetime and I do not take each encounter for granted. Does it sound silly? If not for the opportunity of getting to know a person on a personal level and building a good friendship, at least there's the hope of networking and or possibly helping one another out in a professional way.
I've mentioned in blogs before about how I hold people close to my heart. I'm not lying when I say I would do just about anything for someone I call a friend. And while I know some people I've come across in my life that I've truly cared for would not return the favor, I'm alright with that because I did what I needed to do and what I'm wired to do.
I wear my heart on my sleeve and at times it's to my disadvantage. Yes, I get hurt at times because I do this. BUT doesn't a person get hurt simply by not sharing their life with others too? I was having coffee with a dear friend of mine just recently and she mentioned how I know so many people and how it's so easy for me to just put myself out there - emotionally and physically. She's the opposite, she doesn't tend to do that and she said, she hurts herself by not allowing others to get to know her and by allowing herself to vent and express what's on her heart.
Either way, I'm not encouraging you to change the way that you express your emotion and share life. BUT I am challenging you to allow yourself to get to know the people around you. Go ahead and take a moment to start up a conversation with your regular coffee barrista, ask the clerk at the grocery store how they are doing (and mean it), say hello to the people you see on a regular basis but have never spoken to at school, work, etc. You never know what kind of gift you might unwrap. And even better, you never know if you might be that person that they need in their life at the moment!
You are amazing - go and be it!
Posted by Unknown at 7:55 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Valleys
It's true, life's not always a mountain-top experience. So what do you do when it's not? Lately I've been feeling very challenged emotionally and physically. Life seems to be kicking my butt. I freakin' hate it! SO, I always know that when I begin to feel this way, it won't be long before I'm back up and running.
The valleys... oh the valleys. I tend to withdraw when I get this way. I don't enjoy being around people, which is so opposite of how I'm wired. All of a sudden it's like someone's put negativity glasses on me and everything around me is completely wrong and lame. I begin re-evaluating friendships and relationships and looking over my life and what I've done and what I've not done. All the evaluating and what not pulls me down even more. It's a pretty bad state of being. However, do you find yourself in the valley from time to time? What do you do to pull yourself out?
If you're anything like me - being that low just doesn't work for me. I love life and I love people. Those closest to me start to worry about me because they know that something's just not right, and it's not.
I'm really grateful for family and friends and my faith. They pull me through every time. Everyone needs that support system around them. If they don't - it's time to start looking around.
Who's gonna be there for you when you are celebrating on the mountain-top? And who's gonna be there for you along life's journey that is often times less emotional and exciting? And then, who's going to be there for you when you are in the valley? Hopefully the same person for all three! And don't you want to be that person to someone else as well?
I encourage you to grasp on to another human being and love them the way you want to be loved. Be the kind of friend to them that you want in return. So much of life is relationships. I've always felt this way. I firmly believe this to my core. We are people and we need one another. Love, laugh, live. I love that - it's so true.
Go - be that amazing person that you are. Share yourself with others and allow yourself to be amazing to them as well. You deserve it... they deserve it. You are amazing!
Posted by Unknown at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I resolve to...
Do you make New Year's goals and/or resolutions?
I guess I kind of do in the back of my mind. This year's is something completely new (besides the whole getting healthier thing) - this year I resolve to quit saying the "F" word. F-A-T. Yup, I know it sounds lame and crazy but here's what's going on. I've said it in front of my kids and I've told them that I'm fat and that I don't like the way I look and that I'm on a diet and yada yada yada. So I'm watching "America The Beautiful" (totally recommend it) and I'm convicted about my behavior. All these years I've been putting myself down, because I'd rather hear it from me than from someone else that I'm imperfect. All the while my kids and family are affected from this negative talk.
I don't want my 8 year old daughter to grow up thinking that she has to strive to make herself more beautiful and more perfect when she's already beautiful in so many ways. And I don't want to hear my 6 year old son tell me anymore that he's going on a diet... probably because he thinks that's the right thing to do since Mommy is constantly talking about the diet that she's on. Please don't judge me and think that I'm a rotten parent - it's not like I talk about this stuff on a daily basis around my kids. But I am guilty of saying it none the less.
So here it is... I'm going to work on being more positive about myself - loving myself more (Is that possible some of you ask? Ha ha ha.) - and teaching my children and the kids I work with to believe that they truly are amazing because that's how God created them to be.
I remember in the past I used to see something beautiful in everyone - no one was ugly to me. I want to see that in others again because it's true, everyone is beautiful. Beauty is something that we all possess - but do you and I actually believe this to be true about ourselves? How can we pass this along to the next generation that they are truly beautiful inside and out if we don't even believe this about ourselves?
So --- how about we all strive to love ourselves a little more because when we love ourselves we're able to love others so much more.
Be amazing - you are amazing!
Posted by Unknown at 3:45 AM 1 comments