Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Valleys

It's true, life's not always a mountain-top experience. So what do you do when it's not? Lately I've been feeling very challenged emotionally and physically. Life seems to be kicking my butt. I freakin' hate it! SO, I always know that when I begin to feel this way, it won't be long before I'm back up and running.

The valleys... oh the valleys. I tend to withdraw when I get this way. I don't enjoy being around people, which is so opposite of how I'm wired. All of a sudden it's like someone's put negativity glasses on me and everything around me is completely wrong and lame. I begin re-evaluating friendships and relationships and looking over my life and what I've done and what I've not done. All the evaluating and what not pulls me down even more. It's a pretty bad state of being. However, do you find yourself in the valley from time to time? What do you do to pull yourself out?

If you're anything like me - being that low just doesn't work for me. I love life and I love people. Those closest to me start to worry about me because they know that something's just not right, and it's not.

I'm really grateful for family and friends and my faith. They pull me through every time. Everyone needs that support system around them. If they don't - it's time to start looking around.

Who's gonna be there for you when you are celebrating on the mountain-top? And who's gonna be there for you along life's journey that is often times less emotional and exciting? And then, who's going to be there for you when you are in the valley? Hopefully the same person for all three! And don't you want to be that person to someone else as well?

I encourage you to grasp on to another human being and love them the way you want to be loved. Be the kind of friend to them that you want in return. So much of life is relationships. I've always felt this way. I firmly believe this to my core. We are people and we need one another. Love, laugh, live. I love that - it's so true.

Go - be that amazing person that you are. Share yourself with others and allow yourself to be amazing to them as well. You deserve it... they deserve it. You are amazing!