Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday Six

1. If you could spend one day as a member of the opposite sex and a different race, would you stay closer to the places you currently frequent, or would you try to spend your time in a place where more people like your current form would go?
---I'd probably stay close to the places I currently frequent because then I'd get a perspective from the other side which would give me better understanding into the opposite sex and why they do the things that they do when they are around me.

2. Of the following three types of presidential candidates, which type would you be most likely to vote for in 2012:
A) Someone who supported all of your concerns and got every bill you supported passed …but was unscrupulous and often lied to get where he is.
B) Someone whose political views were nearly the opposite of yours, who was only able to pass a handful of bills you didn’t want passed…but who was completely honest and ethical all the time.
C) Someone who was middle of the road, passed bills that tended to favor compromise more than any one side of the issue, and wasusually (but not always) ethical and honest.
---Whoa, that's tough. Probably A, even though I am not a fan of lying.

3. You learn that your best friend’s spouse is carrying on an affair, and that person realizes that you know the secret. He or she begs for time, promising that he (or she) will reveal all to your best friend. How long are you willing to give the cheater to confess before you will step in and let your friend know yourself?
---Not long. He'd need to come clean with her in just a matter of days.

4. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which one would you be most unwilling to live without?
---Taste... then maybe I'd start losing weight?

5. What would you say is your biggest character strength?
---Moral conviction. A strength and a weakness.

6. Which seasonal or holiday movie do you least look forward to this time of year?