Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mid-January... already?

It's hard to believe that we're a little bit past the mid-way point for January. I did set a goal for this year... and of course it's completely attainable. All I want to do is maintain a good workout schedule. I'm no longer teaching classes of my own so I need to continue working out. When I quit teaching in October I managed to take about a 3 month break. Now I'm rearing to go.

I'm anxious to see what the new year brings. What surprises (hopefully pleasant) might come? So I've managed to talk my workout partner into doing a few workout field trips. What are those you ask? Well I'm glad you're wondering (LOL) --- each month I want to try out a new and different workout - one that I might not normally try. And in my typical blogger fashion... I will leave you my thoughts.

So for January we're going to try Crossfit. Totally excited - and a little bit freaked as I've heard that it will kick my tail. I'm hoping that I'll be able to walk out of the gym when it's all over.

What else for 2011? Hmmmm... so I've also started a fun little project. I'm calling it my Mobile 360 Project because each day for the next year I'm snapping a photo w my cell phone and mini-blogging on it. It's on my FB page - check it out if you haven't already. (You may need to friend me of course.)

Just when I thought gymnastics season was finished I am thrown with Winterfest. It's in mid-February and I've got a couple Level 4's and 5's that are going to compete it. I'm excited don't get me wrong, I just kind of forgot about it and now it's quickly approaching.

So that's it - the short of it anyways. BTW, it's Girl Scout Cookie time ---do you need any? We're selling!